Our Story
Let us introduce ourselves. We are Lauren and Justin, the faces behind Humble Joe's Coffee Co., and we are excited to roast coffee for you! While raising three kids, working as a nurse (Lauren) and a teacher (Justin), we have had our fair share of coffee.
Humble Joe’s Coffee Co. was born out of our love for coffee, and a desire to bring freshly roasted coffee from around the world to our community. During this journey, we are excited to learn, grow, and share with you as we work hard to give you a first-class experience.
Our Mission
Humble Joe’s Coffee Co. aspires to bring freshly roasted coffee from around the world to our community - creating, engaging, and supporting a community of coffee lovers everywhere. The thought of our coffee being part of your morning routine, afternoon pick-me-up, or beverage of choice while spending time with family and friends is both humbling and exciting.
Our Brand
We embarked on this journey with great humility. With the goal of bringing our community the best coffee experience possible. To accomplish this we are humble enough to know that we must put in the work, learn from our mistakes, and grow. We are confident our humility and desire to never stop learning, will help us perfect our craft.
If you look closely at our packaging will notice the birds-eye view of two “ram’s horns” butting together. Dwwnnimmen (African) literally means “ram’s horns” and symbolizes that even the strong have to also be humble.
As we all know a cup of joe is a common nickname for a cup of coffee. To us it is more than that. JOE is an acronym for Jesus Over Everything. When the stresses of the week start to pile up, or the anxiety of tomorrow begins creeping in, we are reminded to put HIM first. Jesus Over Everything.
"I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love". Ephesians 4:1-2